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7 Camino de Santiago routes to walk in 2025

The Camino de Santiago has many different routes. Each one offers a unique cultural and spiritual experience. The Camino de Santiago is not a single route like some people think referring to the most popular one – the Camino Frances. It’s a network of pilgrimage routes that start in different places across Europe and finish in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. In fact, you can start walking to Santiago from anywhere in Europe like people used to do before we had cars, trains, and plains.

A map showing different Camino routes in Spain
Different pilgrimage routes of the Camino de Santiago

As of January 2025, we’ve completed 11 Camino de Santiago routes: Camino Frances, the 3 routes of the Camino Portuguese (Coastal, Central Route, and Litoral Way), Camino del Norte, Camino Primitivo, Camino Ingles, Camino Finisterre-Muxia, and Via de la Plata. And two lesser-known Camino routes: Camino de San Salvador, and Camino de Gran Canaria. We’re planning to walk more Camino routes in 2025.

We have created the Camino de Santiago resource page where all our Camino posts are divided into relevant groups. It makes it easier to navigate and find the information you’re looking for.

Camino de Santiago routes map

A map with different Camino de Santiago routes through Portugal and Spain
The map of the main routes of the Camino de Santiago; Camino Frances, Portuguese Camino, Camino del Norte, Camino Primitivo, Via de la Plata, Camino Ingles, and Camino Finisterre

What is the most popular Camino de Santiago route?

In 2024 in total 499 241 pilgrims arrived in Santiago de Compostela after completing one of the Camino routes. 98% of pilgrims walked one of the 7 main routes.

The Camino Frances is by far the most popular Camino de Santiago route. Most people who complete it walk only the last 100 km from Sarria to Santiago. 151 091 (31,9%) of pilgrims walked the route from Sarria in 2024.

The Portuguese Camino from Tui is the second most popular route. 36 576 (7,7%) of pilgrims completed the Camino from Tui in 2024.

Below you can see the number of pilgrims on different Camino routes according to the information from the Pilgrim’s Receptions Office in Santiago de Compostela.

Camino route In 2024
Camino Francés47,3% – 236 379 pilgrims
Camino Portuguese (Central + Coastal + Litoral Way)34% – 170 211 pilgrims
Central route: 19,1% – 95 453
Coastal + Litoral route: 14,9% – 74 758
Camino Ingles5,6% – 28 058 pilgrims
Camino Primitivo4,9% – 24 464 pilgrims
Camino del Norte 4,3% – 21 417 pilgrims
Via de la Plata1,8% – 9 028 pilgrims
Numbers of pilgrims on the main Camino de Santiago routes in 2024

The Pilgrim’s Reception Office in Santiago doesn’t have exact numbers for the Camino Finisterre-Muxía. People usually walk this route after finishing one of the other (longer) Camino routes.

A metal Camino sign with two arrows pointing to the walking route and to an albergue
A metal sign indicating the way on one of the Camino de Santiago routes

What is the best Camino route for beginners?

We often get this question. I’d say one of the most popular Camino routes e.g. Camino Frances or Camino Portuguese from Porto is the best route for beginners. Why? Simply because these routes have a very good infrastructure and are well-marked.

The easiest option is to walk the last 100 km to Santiago de Compostela on one of the two routes from Sarria on the Camino Frances or from Tui on the Camino Portuguese. If you want to complete a longer route then the Portuguese Camino from Porto (the Coastal or Central Route) is one of the best options.

Embalse de Salime water reservoir on the Camino Primitivo
A water reservoir on the Camino Primitivo, one of the most scenic routes

What is the hardest Camino de Santiago route?

Out of the seven main Camino de Santiago routes I’d say the Via de La Plata is the toughest route. First of all, because it’s the longest route. Second, because distances between towns are very long sometimes you walk 20-25km though nothing which means you have to carry a lot of water and some food with you. Third, it gets very hot in summer and quite cold in winter in that part of Spain you have to find the perfect time between the two seasons.

In my opinion, the Camino del Norte is the second toughest Camino de Santiago route because of its long distance and many ascents and descents.

The part of the Portuguese Camino from Lisbon to Porto is quite challenging as well because of long distances between towns and limited accommodation options.

The main Camino de Santiago routes arranged by the distance:

  • Via de la Plata – 1000 km/621 mi
  • Camino del Norte – 825 km/512 mi
  • Camino Francés – 790 km/490 mi
  • Camino Portuguese from Lisbon* – between 613 km/381 mi and 650 km/403 mi (depending on the route from Porto)
  • Camino Primitivo – 321 km/199 mi
  • Camino Portuguese from Porto – 243 km/150 mi (Central Route), 274 km/170 mi (Coastal Route), and 280 km/173 mi (Litoral Way)
  • Camino Inglés – 120 km/74 mi
  • Camino Finisterre-Muxía – 115 km/71 mi

*I added the Portuguese Camino from Lisbon as a separate Camino because it is quite different from the Porto part.

A stone sign indicating the distance to Santiago surrounded by many painted rocks
A traditional Camino distance sign in Galicia with many painted rocks

What is the most beautiful Camino de Santiago route?

It’s difficult to say which Camino de Santiago route is the most beautiful. Each route has something different to offer. Some people enjoy the forest, some mountains, and some sea.

After walking 11 different routes I’d say the Camino del Norte and the Litoral Way of the Portuguese Camino are our favorite coastal routes. Camino. We enjoy walking next to the sea. There are quite a few interesting cities and towns on the routes.

If you prefer mountainous scenery the Camino Primitivo and Camino del Salvador are the best routes through the mountains. These two routes offer more of a real hiking experience with fewer cities and towns.

Another route with spectacular scenery is the Camino de Gran Canaria. It’s a 3-4 day route on the Canary Islands that connects two beaches and takes hikers through the lush-green forest and mountains. It’s a great route to walk in winter.

As for the most popular route the Camino Frances it has some incredible days and beautiful cities but I’m not a big fan of walking through the plains which make a big part of it.

A Guarda, a small Spanish coastal town on the Camino de Santiago
One of the towns on the Litoral Way of the Portuguese Camino, one of my favorite routes

Which Camino route is the best for you?

Which Camino route is the best? is one of the most frequently asked Camino questions we get. It depends on several aspects.

  1. Decide how far you want to walk – short, middle, or long-distance route. You always can start a route not from its official beginning but from the point on the route that suits you the best.
  2. Choose the best route for the month you want to walk – not too hot, not too much rain.
  3. Determine what you want to see; coast, beach, forest, mountains, historical cities.
  4. Decide if you want to walk a busy and very social Camino route or rather have a solitary walk.

The 7 main Camino de Santiago routes

There are seven main routes of St.James;

  • Camino Frances (the French Way)
  • Camino Portugués (the Portuguese Way)
  • Camino del Norte (the Northern Way)
  • Camino Primitivo (the Original Way)
  • Via de la Plata (the Silver Way)
  • Camino Inglés (the English Way)
  • Camino Finisterre-Muxía

These routes are well-marked and have enough infrastructure for pilgrims (some more some less).

Long-distance routesMiddle-distance routesShort-distance routes
Camino Portuguese from Lisbon
613 km/381 mi to 650 km/403 mi
Camino Portuguese from Porto
Central Route – 243 km/150 mi
Coastal Route – 274 km/170 mi
Litoral Way – 280 km/173 mi
Camino Inglés – 110 km/68 mi
Camino Francés – 790 km/490 miCamino Primitivo – 321 km/199 miCamino Finisterre – 118 km/73 mi
Camino del Norte – 825 km/512 mi
Vía de la Plata – 1000 km/621 mi

As I already mentioned we’ve walked all seven routes. Below I give my personal opinion on each of them.

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Camino Francés (the French Way)

  • Distance – 790 km/490 mi
  • Number of days (stages) – 28-35
  • Starting point – Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port (France)
  • Regions –  Navarra, La Rioja, Castilla y León, Galicia.
  • It can be combined with – Camino Primitivo (from León following the Camino del Salvador), Camino Finisterre-Muxia (from Santiago de Compostela)

Best guidebook for the Camino Frances route – A Pilgrim’s Guide to the Camino de Santiago (Camino Francés): St. Jean Pied de Port • Santiago de Compostela, John Brierley, 2023

Camino Frances route map
French Camino de Santiago from St.Jean Pied de Port, plus a connection route to Oviedo (to join the Camino Primitivo)

The Camino Francés is the busiest Camino route. For many people the Camino de Santiago = Camino Francés. The popularity of this route was the main reason we didn’t want to walk it but in the end, I decided to do the French Way to be able to compare it with other Camino routes. I walked it in September and there were many people. For 90% of all pilgrims I met, it was their first Camino de Santiago.

The French Camino out of all routes has the best infrastructure and the most albergues. Some of the albergues are open all year round which means this route can be completed off-season, in winter months.

Main towns on the route

There are many historical cities and towns on this route;

  • Pamplona
  • Logroño
  • Burgos
  • León
  • Astorga
  • Ponferrada
  • Melide
  • Santiago de Compostela.

Read more about the beautiful towns on the French Camino.

Best walking months

This route can be walked all year round, many albergues stay open all year. A good thing about walking the Camino Francés offseason is that there will be not many people. As for the weather, May-June and September-October are probably the best walking months. It gets very hot and very busy in July and August. In the last years, September (especially the beginning of the month) has become a very popular month for walking the French Way.

The impressive gothic cathedral of Leon, Spain
The Cathedral in Leon is one of the highlights of the French route

What we liked about the route

  • It’s cheap to walk the French Camino. There are many public albergues and albergues for donation, you can find one for every night.
  • This route goes through some amazing Spanish cities such as Pamplona, Logroño, Burgos, León, and Astorga.
  • It’s a very social Camino every day you meet new people.

What we didn’t like

It’s a very busy route in the peak season people start racing for beds in public albergues. It’s not a big problem if you end your day in a big city with many hostels and hotels or if you book your accommodation in advance.

The scenery, the part of walking through the famous Meseta (plains and fields with nothing) was not my favorite. It’s just not my kind of scenery, I prefer mountains, forests, or the coast.

Difficulty level

Knowing that for many people it’ll be their first Camino de Santiago I’d say 4 out of 5. It’s a long route, and the distance of 790 km/490 mi is already a big challenge. If you walk in summer it gets very hot in the Meseta you have to start your day early at 5.30-6.00 am. Challenging and long ascents and descents over the mountain passes.

Scenery overview

The middle section of the Camino from Burgos to Astorga is through the Meseta with wheat fields dominating the landscape. For days you walk through plains with occasional trees and villages. There are very few rivers, lakes, or big water bodies on this route.

My favorite parts are the beginning of the Camino from St.Jean Pied de Port to Pamplona (over the Pyrenees) with beautiful mountain views and lush green forest. And the part from Astorga to O Cebreiro for the same reason; mountains, forest, small villages.

The pilgrims monument on the French Route of the Camino de Santiago
The pilgrims’ monument on the most popular Camino de Santiago route – Camino Frances

Camino Portuguese (the Portuguese Way)

  • Distance – from Lisbon between 613 km/381 mi and 650 km/403 mi. Central Route (from Porto) – 243,5 km/151 mi; Coastal Route (from Porto) – 274 km/170 mi; Litoral Way (from Porto) – 280 km/173 mi.
  • Number of days (stages) – from Lisbon – 25-27; Central Route (from Porto) – 10-13; Coastal and Litoral Route (from Porto) – 12-15
  • Starting point – Lisbon or Porto.
  • Regions – Portugal:  Estremadura, Ribatejo, Beira, Douro Litoral and Minho. Spain: Galicia.  
  • It can be combined with – Camino Finisterre-Muxia (from Santiago).

The best guidebook – A Pilgrim’s Guide to the Camino Portugués Lisbon – Porto – Santiago: including Camino Central, Variente Espiritual, Camino da Costa, & Senda Litoral, John Brierley, 2022

Portuguese Camino de Santiago route map
Portuguese Camino de Santiago route map from Lisbon. Coastal and Central routes from Porto

The Camino Portuguese starts at the Church of Santiago in Lisbon but most people start walking from Porto. The Lisbon to Porto part has less infrastructure for pilgrims. The route is marked but there are few albergues which means you end up paying more for accommodation. It’s possible to combine the Portuguese Camino from Lisbon with the Camino de Fátima.

The Portuguese Camino from Porto, there are 3 routes; the Central Route (inland), the Coastal Route (partly along the coast), and the Litoral Way (mostly along the coast). The routes merge in Redondela.

There is another route on the Portuguese Camino – the Spiritual Variant (Variante Espiritual). It splits from the main route past Pontevedra and merges again in Pontecesures.

Find more information in our post on the different routes of the Portuguese Camino.

Main towns on the route

  • Lisbon
  • Santarém
  • Coimbra
  • Porto
  • Barcelos (Central Route)
  • Ponte de Lima (Central Route)
  • Viana do Castelo (Coastal and Litoral Route)
  • Caminha (Coastal and Litoral Route)
  • Vigo (Coastal and Litoral Route)
  • Tui (Central Route)
  • Pontevedra
  • Santiago de Compostela
A white-sand beach near Vigo, Spain
Spectacular white sand beach on the Litoral Way of the Portuguese Camino in Spain

Best walking months

The best time for walking this Camino route is between May and July and September-October. In July and September, it can be quite hot on the Lisbon-Porto stretch. August is fine if you start walking from Porto. If you walk from Lisbon it’ll be very hot, the route goes through the plains with no shade. We walked the Portuguese Camino from Lisbon in May and had very good weather; warm, even hot some days, with no rain, the scenery was beautiful with many wildflowers and trees in blossom. 

What we liked about the route

  • We walked in spring the fields were covered in flowers
  • Beautiful sea scenery on the Coastal and Litoral Route
  • Interesting historical towns on the Central Route
  • Possibility to combine different routes and sceneries

What we didn’t like

  • Our main dislike is for the Lisbon-Porto part; not enough albergues on the route, and long distances between towns.

Difficulty level 

4 out of 5 for the Camino route from Lisbon to Porto due to long stretches through nothing and long distances between towns.

3 out of 5 for the Central Route from Porto to Santiago. It has many hills and involves a lot of walking on cobbled stones. The infrastructure is good, many albergues, restaurants, etc.

2 out of 5 for the Coastal and Litoral Way from Porto to Santiago. Not many hills, diverse waking surfaces, enough albergues, restaurants, etc.

Scenery overview

Countryside with many fields and vineyards and a couple of historical towns on the part between Lisbon and Porto.

Forest and fields with historical towns in between on the Central Route from Porto.

Beaches, coast, forest, and towns on the Coastal Route.

Mostly beaches and coast on the Litoral Way.

Scenery on the Coastal Portuguese Camino route
The scenery on the first day of the Portuguese Camino from Porto following the Senda Litoral

Camino del Norte (the Northern Way)

  • Distance – 825 km/512 mi
  • Number of days (stages) – 30-35
  • Starting point – Irún
  • Regions; the Basque Country, Cantabria, Asturias, Galicia
  • It can be combined with – Camino Primitivo (from Gijon) and Camino Finisterre-Muxia from Santiago.

The best guidebook for the route – Camino del Norte: Irún to Santiago along Spain’s Northern Coast, 2025

Camino del Norte route map
Camino del Norte route map from Irun to Santiago de Compostela. Plus split to Oviedo where it joins with the Primitive Way

The Camino del Norte is one of the oldest Camino routes. It is one of the longest Camino de Santiago routes in Spain and one of our favorites. We’re big fans of the ocean and liked the walk, especially the first half of it through the Basque Country and Cantabria.

The Northern Way offers spectacular coastal scenery, and I think it is a good alternative to the French Way; the distance is about the same, the route is less crowded, and it goes the coast. It has beautiful towns with interesting sights.

Camino del Norte is considered to be tougher than Camino Frances because of multiple ascents and descents on the way but it doesn’t have any mountain passes like the French route.

It merges with the French Route in Arzua, 40 km before Santiago de Compostela.

Main cities and towns on the route

  • San Sebastián
  • Guernica
  • Bilbao
  • Portugalete
  • Castro Urdiales
  • Santander
  • Santillana del Mar
  • Llanes
  • Gijón
  • Avilés
  • Ribadeo (Coastal Route)
  • Santiago de Compostela
The view of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao at sunrise from the opposite side of the river
Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao is one of the architecture highlights of the Northern Camino route

Best walking months

June to September is a good time for this route, July and August are the busiest months, with many tourists in beach towns, and most pilgrims on the Camino. The end of May and beginning of October are good border months with fewer people and possibly good weather.

What we like about the route

  • Beautiful sea scenery
  • Great food (especially in the Basque Country)
  • Several interesting historical towns
  • Not too many pilgrims

What we didn’t like

  • Prices are higher in the Basque Country and Cantabria compared to other Spanish regions.
  • Very few public albergues on the route which makes it more expensive.
  • Parts of the route along the road (e.g. the entire stage from Gijon to Aviles).

Difficulty level

4 out of 5, it is a long route, many ascends and descends on the way, a couple of stages with long distances between towns, albergues, places to stop for food, etc.

Scenery overview

About 50% of the walk is along the coast; beautiful sea scenery, beaches, green hills, picturesque towns, and a little bit of forest. Walking this route we often regretted not having enough time to explore some parts of it. We’d like to stay longer than just one night in several places along the way.

A road along the coast with hills and towns in Northern Spain
The coastal scenery on the Camino del Norte is breathtaking

Camino Primitivo (the Original Way)

  • Distance – 321 km/200 mi
  • Number of days (stages) – 12-15
  • Starting point – Oviedo
  • Regions – Asturias, Galicia
  • It can be combined with – Camino Finisterre-Muxia (from Santiago)

The best guidebook for the route – Camino Primitivo, Oviedo to Santiago on Spain’s Original Way (Village to Village Map Guide), 2025

Camino Primitivo de Santiago route map
The Primitive Way of Camino de Santiago route map.

The history of the Camino de Santiago dates back to the 9th century when the first pilgrims walked to Santiago de Compostela to commemorate the discovery of the tomb of the Apostle St.James. The Camino Primitivo or the Original Way is believed to be the first Camino ever walked. According to the historical manuscripts Spanish King Alfonso II walked from Oviedo to Santiago de Compostela in the 9th century.

The Primitive Way is probably the closest to the real hike route. You walk on a footpath through the forest and over the mountains. You get towns but not as many as on the other routes. There is not much walking on or next to the road. If you have a knee problem it is difficult route due to many steep hills.

The route merges with the Camino Frances in Melide, 52 km before Santiago.

Main towns on the route

There are very few cities and big towns on this Camino

  • Oviedo
  • Lugo
  • Melide
  • Santiago de Compostela
A small village with red-roof houses in the mountains of Asturia, Spain
A small village in the mountains on the Camino Primitivo, the wildest Camino route

Best walking months

June – August are the warmest months with the least rainfalls. Second half of May and September are good border months. The weather in the mountains is quite unpredictable we walked this Camino in June and got a lot of rain. Be prepared for it.

What we liked about the route

  • “Wild Camino” with a lot of walking on the footpath, trails, through remote areas, very few cities, no industrial areas, or busy roads.
  • Public albergues can be found at the end of every walking stage, you can easily complete the whole route staying only in public albergues, which makes the walk cheaper.
  • The Camino goes through off-the-beaten-track areas.
  • Locals are very friendly and helpful.

What we didn’t like

  • We were very unlucky with the weather even though we walked the Camino in summer (June), we had a lot of rain and mud on the trail. Otherwise, it’s a great Camino to walk with good facilities and stunning scenery.  

Difficulty level 

4 out of 5, many steep ascends and descends pretty much every day between Oviedo and Lugo.

Scenery overview

Beautiful mountain, lush-green forest, waterfalls, water reservoirs, etc. The trail goes through some remote areas of Asturias, with no cities or big towns on the way.

A large water reservoir in the mountains of Asturias, Spain
Scenery on the Camino Primitivo is truly spectacular. It’s one of the wildest Camino routes

Camino Inglés (the English Way)

  • Distance – 116 km/72 mi from Ferrol, 74 km/46 mi from A Coruña
  • Number of days (stages) – 4-6
  • Starting point – Ferrol or A Coruña
  • Regions – Galicia
  • It can be combined with – Camino Finisterre-Muxia (from Santiago)

The best guidebook – A Pilgrim’s Guide to the Camino Inglés: The English Way also known as the Celtic Camino: Ferrol & Coruña – Santiago, John Brierley, 2024

English Way of Camino de Santiago route map
The English Camino de Santiago route map from A Coruna/Ferrol.

The Camino Inglés is probably the best Camino for those who want to get a taste of the walk. It’s easy to combine this route with a holiday in Spain. You can decide whether the Camino is your cup of tea or not, after completing the English Way. The Camino from Ferrol has proper marking and good infrastructure. 

We haven’t walked from A Coruña but some sources say that route is not well-marked. If you start walking from A Coruña you won’t be able to get the Compostela unless you live there or you start walking in England and then continue from A Coruña and your total distance is 100 km or more.

Main towns on the route

A Coruña or Ferrol (depending on where you start) and Santiago de Compostela.

Best walking months

June – September, the beginning of October, and the second half of May, though in our experience it can rain any time in Galicia.

What we liked about the route

  • A short Camino de Santiago route that can be done over a long weekend.
  • The English Way is a perfect option for first-time pilgrims, it gives a good idea about walking the Camino. After completing it you can decide whether you like it or not before planning to walk one of the longer routes.
  • It’s a quiet route with not many people.
  • There are no big cities or industrial areas.

What we didn’t like

  • My main dislike was the walking surface on this route, a lot of walking on sidewalks and tar roads.

Difficulty level

Though the Camino Inglés is a short route I’d give it 2 out of 5 due to multiple ascents and descents on the way.

Scenery overview

A typical Galician scenery, a mixture of pasture fields and lush green forest with a little bit of sea scenery and a couple of beaches in the beginning. Some parts e.g. on the last day to Santiago were truly beautiful.

Pontedeume, a small Galicia town on the Camino route
A small town on the Camino Ingles, the shortest Camino route

Via de la Plata (the Silver Route)

  • Distance – 1000 km/621 mi
  • Number of days (stages) – 40-50 days
  • Starting point – Seville
  • Regions – Andalucía, Extremadura, Castilla y León, Galicia
  • It can be combined with – the Camino Frances (from Astorga)

The best guidebook – Walking La Via de la Plata and Camino Sanabres: The Camino de Santiago from Seville to Santiago de Compostela and Astorga, 2024

Via de la Plata, the longest Camino de Santiago route
Via de la Plata route map. The longest well-established Camino de Santiago route

The Via de la Plata or the Silver Way follows an old Roman road to the mines in Northern Spain. Later the route was used for many other purposes e.g. moving stock from south to north in summer, trading, migratory, etc. It was used as a pilgrimage route to Santiago between the 10th and the 12th centuries. Nowadays the route has some infrastructure for pilgrims. It’s the least popular of the 7 routes, only 1,8% of pilgrims walk it.

This route is not recommended to walk as the first Camino due to the distance, fewer facilities, and long stages through nothing. For planning this walk it’s important to keep in mind the seasons.

The route splits after Zamora; one goes to Astorga where it merges with the French Camino another continues to Santiago through Ourense (this part is also known as Camino Sanabrés).

Main cities and towns on the route

Despite the length, there are not many big cities and towns on this route

  • Seville
  • Itálica
  • Mérida
  • Cáceres
  • Salamanca
  • Zamora
  • Ourense
  • Santiago de Compostela
Ruins of a roman aqueduct in Merida, Spain
The roman ruins in Merida are one of the highlights of the Via de la Plata route

Best walking months

April and May, when it’s warm but not too hot yet. In autumn it cools down only in October. Walking Via de la Plata between July and September is not a good idea, the temperature in Andalucía and Extremadura in August reaches 40C°, it’s very dry and hot.

What we liked about the route

  • Walking surface, compared to some other routes, on the Via de la Plata there is not much tar or road walking.
  • Some impressive Roman ruins, e.g. Italica, Mérida, etc.
  • Every town along the route has an ATM, restaurants, and a shop/supermarket.
  • No walking through industrial or urban areas, most of the time very peaceful countryside and fields.

What we didn’t like

  • Long stages with nothing in between, no towns or villages, no places to refill water.
  • Not as many public albergues as on more popular Camino routes.

Difficulty level

I’d say 5 out of 5, a very long route combined with long stages and long distances in between. Plus tough weather conditions if you walk this Camino in summer or winter.

Scenery overview

A lot of walking through the fields, vineyards, and olive tree plantations with some interesting Roman ruins in between. In spring the area is covered in wildflowers.

Fields of grown wheat under the blue sky with white clouds in the south of Spain
A typical scenery on the Via de la Plata route

Camino Finisterre-Muxía

  • Distance – Santiago-Finisterre – 89 km/55 mi, Santiago-Muxía – 86 km/53 mi, Santiago-Muxía-Finisterre – 115 km/71 mi.
  • Number of days (stages) – 3-5
  • Starting point – Santiago de Compostela.
  • Finishing point – Finisterre or Muxía
  • Regions – Galicia
  • It can be walked as an extension of any Camino route

The best guidebook – A Pilgrim’s Guide to the Camino Finisterre: Including Muxía Circuit: Santiago ― Finisterre ― Muxía ― Santiago, John Brierley, 2022

Camino Finisterre from Santiago de Compostela
Camino Finisterre-Muxia route map.

The name Finisterre comes from the Latin “finis terrae” which means “end of the earth”. The origin of the pilgrimage to Cape Finisterre goes back to pre-Christian times when people believed it was the edge of the world.

People usually walk the Camino Finisterre after completing one of the other routes but it can be walked as a separate Camino. It is a good option for those who are not sure if they want/will be able to walk a longer route of the Camino de Santiago. The Camino Finisterre-Muxía is the only Camino de Santiago route that starts and not ends in Santiago de Compostela.

There are two finishing points; Finisterre and Muxía, both capes with small towns. It’s possible to walk to both of them. The route connecting the capes is the most scenic part of the Camino. After completing it you can get the Finisterrana and/or Muxiana certificates. There are plenty albergues, restaurants, and cafes on the route.

Main towns on the route

  • Santiago de Compostela
  • Negreira
  • Cee
  • Dumbria
  • Finisterre
  • Muxía
Ponte Maceira, a small Galician village with a stone bridge on the Camino Finisterre route
Ponte Maceira, a small village on the Camino Finisterre nor far from Santiago de Compostela

Best walking months

June to September. We walked this Camino in November and got a lot of rain and stormy wind.

What we liked about the route

  • Beautiful sea scenery at Finisterre and Muxía
  • Relaxed vibe maybe it feels that way because most people who walk this route have just finished one Camino route and are pretty chilled.

What we disliked

  • Our main dislike was too much rain and strong wind we got on the route but we walked it in November, not the best time of the year.
  • Very few supermarkets and shops on the way which makes it difficult to buy food.

Difficulty level

2 out of 5 – short route, many places to stop for food, many albergues. It has some hills, and a steep and long ascent on the first day (if it wasn’t for that I’d give it 1 out of 5).

Scenery overview

Forest and fields most of the way, beautiful sea views on the stretch between Finisterre and Muxía.

A view of the beach and the sea from the green hills on the Camino Finisterre route
Spectacular coastal scenery on the way from Finisterre to Muxia, the most beautiful stage of the Camino route

Camino de Santiago planning resources

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Wednesday 5th of February 2025

Hello, thanks for all the information posted, it has been very useful. I purchased the books you recommended for Camino del Norte and Camino Primitivo using your links to Amazon. The books have given me a better understanding of the routes, distances, challenges, etc. Regarding Camino del Norte, you commented: "Walking this route we often regretted not having enough time to explore some parts of it. We’d like to stay longer than just one night in several places along the way." Can you please share the names of the towns along this route where you would have stayed an extra night? I'm going to walk from early June into July and can plan on staying longer along the way. Thanks again for sharing your Camino experiences!

Stingy Nomads

Sunday 9th of February 2025

Hello Martin. Thank you for the comment. San Sebastian is definitely worth an extra day. Bilbao and Santander are two other interesting cities with a lot to see and do. If you prefer smaller places or just want to chill on the beach then Getaria, Castro Urdiales, Laredo, and Llanes are nice coastal towns to stop. Before deciding where to stay an extra day check for accommodation. All beach places are popular summer holiday destinations so accommodation prices go up and places are often fully-booked. Buen Camino

Corey Zeilman

Tuesday 4th of February 2025

So much awesome information - thank you. As I try to digest pros & cons of different routes - I find myself flip flopping about which route to do. I will be walking with my 21 year old daughter - she is in very good shape & Im not too shabby for being in my 50s. We are going for 10 days in mid March (I know - weather not ideal) but can’t decide between Ingles with Finisterre - One of the Portuguese routes or Sarria with Finisterre. I think we’d prefer pretty scenery & staying off busy roads- please help me decide 🙏🏻. Many thanks for your help!!

Stingy Nomads

Thursday 6th of February 2025

Hello Corey. Thank you for the comment. Mid-March is still early season for the Camino. I'd suggest choosing one of the more popular routes e.g. Camino from Sarria or the Portuguese Camino. These routes have better infrastructure and more accommodation options as well as open restaurants and shops. The last part of all the routes is pretty similar, mostly forest, small towns, and fields. I think the best will be to walk the last 100 km on the Camino Frances from Sarria or on the Portuguese route from Tui. And if the weather is favorable continue to Finisterre. This way you get to walk two different Camino routes and see the forest and the coast. I think the Portuguese route from Tui has more interesting towns than the Camino from Sarria. The forest scenery is pretty similar. Buen Camino


Wednesday 15th of January 2025

Hello thank you so much for all the wonderful information. I found the "what we liked" and "what we didn't like" sections very helpful. I'm keen to walk the Frances and Finisterre-Muxía. My husband wants to come along can't walk due to knee injuries so he will taxi or bus between places we stay. As a non walker, do you know if he is allowed to stay at the alburgues?

Stingy Nomads

Wednesday 15th of January 2025

Hello Anna. Thank you for the comment. Public albergues allow only pilgrims with a Credential (pilgrim's passpost), private albergues usually don't mind if non pilgrims stay there unless it's specified "only pilgrims". Moving every day with you might be quite exhausting for your husband. It might be better for him to meet up with you in bigger towns and stay there for a couple of days instead of moving every day with you. Some places have not much to do or to see he might be bored just sitting and waiting. Buen Camino


Tuesday 14th of January 2025

Hello, what a fantastic website and blog!! hubby and I only recently discovered that Camino's are a thing. We watched The Way, My Way and decided we would love to go and explore a camino ourselves. We are unsure which would be the best one however. We are used to trail running and love the trails that takes us hiking through mountains, ocean, forest, plenty of small quaint villages with good coffee.. yes please!. We love the trails, but tarmac - not so much, we love history and exploring ancient relics. we are 51 years old. Happy to hostel it up providing the bed is comfortable. Hate the heat, don't mind the rain but you scared me with the bed bugs story. Don't like lots of crowds but happy to mingle and chat along with fellow pilgrims. Heck I didn't think I was that fussy... clearly I am???? any suggestions as to which would be a great first time camino for us. Coming from Australia so ideal international airport tips would also be awesome. Many Thanks.


Friday 17th of January 2025

@Stingy Nomads, thank you so much for your reply. keen to do more research on the Primitivo. :)

Stingy Nomads

Wednesday 15th of January 2025

Hello Helen. Thank you for the comment. Based on your preferences I can recommend the Camino Primitivo. Out of all Camino routes this one has the least walking on tar, no big cities, busy roads, etc. It has authentic small towns and villages, spectacular mountain scenery, beautiful forest, and it doesn't really get very hot there. It's not as busy as the Camino Frances or the Portuguese route. The only thing it's missing is the ocean. It doesn't come close to the coast. We never had bedbugs on the Camino Primitivo. If you stay in albergues always check your bed, lift the sheets, etc. and keep your backpack closed. Buen Camino


Sunday 12th of January 2025

Hi there, I’m considering either the Portuguese or the Norte routes as I’m very partial to the coast, and am wondering if you could elaborate on the ‘long distances’ between accommodations from Lisbon to Porto. As well as your overall opinion on either of these routes for a first time, solo traveler.

Stingy Nomads

Monday 13th of January 2025

Hello Amanda. Thank you for the comment. First of all the part of the Portuguese Camino from Lisbon to Porto doesn't come close to the coast. The Coastal and Litoral routes start from Porto. If you want to walk along the coast I'd suggest starting there. The Camino del Norte is a beautiful walk but it has less infrastructure for pilgrims (fewer albergues) as a result the route works out a lot more expensive than the Portuguese Camino from Porto. I walked the Litoral route of the Portuguese Camino in October/November and absolutely loved it. 80% of the route is along the coast which is a lot more than on the del Norte. You can find more details on the different routes of the Portuguese Camino in this post And a detailed guide on the Litoral Way here Buen Camino

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